
频道:社会百科 日期: 浏览:30

● Study is an abiding thing

○ 学习是一件持久的事;

study [?st?di] n.v.学习 n.书房

abiding [??ba?d??] a.持久的

● In the long term, the important thing is not problem-solving skills, but learning attitude and habits;

○ 从长远来看,重要的不是解题技巧,而是学习态度和习惯;

important [?m?p??tnt] a.重要的

problem [?pr?bl?m] n.问题

solve [s?lv] v.解决、解答

skill [sk?l] n.技巧

attitude [??t?tju?d] n.态度

habit [?h?b?t] n.习惯

● Creating a good reading atmosphere at home may be better than looking for the tutorial class everywhere.

○ 在家里营造良好的读书氛围,或许比到处找补习班更好。

atmosphere [??tm?sf??(r)] n.气氛、大气层、大气

tutorial [tju??t??ri?l] a.辅导的 n.辅导材料

● This stage background is very well designed.

○ 这个舞台背景设计得非常好。

stage [ste?d?] n.阶段、舞台

background [?b?kɡra?nd] n.背景

design [d??za?n] n.v.设计

● Going to the concert hall to enjoy classical music is a wonderful com enjoyment.

○ 去音乐厅欣赏古典音乐是一种美妙的享受。

concert [?k?ns?t] n.音乐会 v.协商

hall [h??l] n.门厅、礼堂

concert hall 音乐厅

enjoy [?n?d???] v.享受、欣赏

classical [?kl?s?kl] a.古典的、经典的

wonderful [?w?nd?fl] a.精彩的、令人愉快的

enjoyment [?n?d???m?nt] n.享受、令人愉快的事物

● This science fiction is wonderful, but it is difficult to adapt into a film.

○ 这部科幻小说非常精彩,但是很难改编成电影。

science [?sa??ns] n.科学

fiction [?f?k?n] n.小说、虚构的事

science fiction 科幻小说

difficult [?d?f?k?lt] a.困难的

adapt [??d?pt] v.适应、改编
