swimming什么意思(we are swimming什么意思)

频道:社会百科 日期: 浏览:45

As summer edges closer and temperatures gradually rise, more and more of us will take to the water in search of a range of benefits for body and mind.

  1. as 随着
  2. edge 徐徐移动,渐渐移动
  3. gradually 逐渐地
  4. take to the water 下水;到水里去
  5. in search of 寻找
  6. a range of 一系列
  7. body and mind 身心

Not a fan of running? Swimming may not merely be a good alternative, but a more efficient one.

  1. not merely 不仅仅
  2. alternative 可供代替的选项
  3. efficient 有效的

Using all your muscles, swimming ensures a full body workout and as such, 30 minutes of exercise in the water is equivalent to 45 minutes on land, according to Swim England.

  1. ensure 确保
  2. workout 训练;锻炼
  3. as such 像这样的
  4. be equivalent to 等同于

Even a leisurely swim can burn upwards of 400 calories an hour, over double the amount of walking.

  1. leisurely 从容不迫地,慢慢地,悠闲地
  2. the amount of 量

The comparative low impact of water activities in contrast to running make them perfect outlets for those nursing minor injuries, as well as the elderly.

  1. comparative 相对的
  2. impact 影响;撞击;强大作用;冲撞;冲击力
  3. in contrast to 与…截然不同;与…对比鲜明;相比之下;与…相反
  4. outlet 出口;(感情、思想、精力发泄的)出路
  5. minor injury 轻伤
  6. as well as 和;以及
  7. the elderly 老年人

And it's not just short-term gains, there's also lasting benefits to swimming.

  1. short-term gains 短期的收获
  2. lasting 持续的

Regular swimmers have a 28% lower risk of early com death and a 41% lower risk of death due to heart diseases and stroke, according to a report by Swim England's Swimming and Health Commission in 2017.

  1. regular swimmer 经常游泳的人
  2. due to 由于;因为
  3. heart disease 心脏疾病
  4. stroke 中风