
频道:社会百科 日期: 浏览:48

a bit , a little,两者都是“一点儿”的意思


1. 作为副词短语,用于修饰形容词和副词

2. 修饰形容词或副词的原级或比较级,不能修饰最高级

3. 作为程度副词时,两者可互换,语气比rather弱很多

a bit cold = a little cold 有点儿冷

rather cold 相当冷

This cellphone is a bit (a little) expensive. 这部手机有点小贵。

It's a bit (a little) far from here to the town. 这儿离那个小镇稍微有点远。


1. 修饰名词时,a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,a bit则采用“a bit + of +名词”的形式

a little water = a bit of water

He has a bit of cold. 他有一点感冒。

I fed the dog a bit of bread. 我给狗狗喂了一点面包。

2. 在否定结构中,两者意思完全相反,此处也是考点

not a bit意为“一点也不,根本不”,相当于not at all

not a little 意为“非常,不是一点”,相当于 very (much)

He is not a bit hungry. 他一点都不饿。= He isn't hungry at all.

He is not a little hungry. 他饿得不是一点点。(他太饿了)= He is very hungry.